Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I Dont Know...

You cant love me like I need. I'm a different kinda of girl. A different breed. I sit outside in the rain and speak to the screen during movies. I'm a little off and awkward but its cool in it's own way. I feel being humble about my supposed "beauty" works just fine for me, why shout it from the roof tops for everyone to hear. They can see. Either they'll think I'm beautiful or they wont. I don't care. I want to be free. To live. To be lost in the night. In the light. To be touched. To be loved. Like no other. The only one. To be me. Me with you. Us. Together. Maybe its asking to much... You cant love me like I want.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


I've been working hard to get myself some new good habits and so far I'm doing a really good job. Right now I'm trying to build a savings up so hopefully that too will go well for me. My birthday is coming up and sadly I'm not really looking forward to it. I won't be able to enjoy things like that till I've gotten to a better point in my life. Hopefully, that time is coming soon.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Feeling Good, Feeling Great!

I've been feeling really good lately. I've been get myself together one step at a time. Usually, I would decided that I was going to overhaul my life and I'd try to do to much at once and fail. This time I'm doing one or two things at a time and once I've got it down to habit I move on to something else. So far so good. If I keep this up I think 2011 is going to be my year!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Had movie night last night with Lucy and Rick. Finally got around to seeing Kick Ass, even though they have both seen the movie already. It was really great. The guy who plays Kick Ass was pretty hot. Lol! Anyway, I think I'm going to head out to Starbucks for coffee or something. Just to get out of the house. Today I just hung around here, at home, taking it easy. Tomorrow I HAVE to find a tutor. I'm so going to be on point when I head back to school if it's the last thing I do. I'm also going to be looking for a new job. I like my job, it's easy, but nothing worth having in life or good in life is ever really easy and with that being said the pay at my job sucks balls. Lol! So, I'm hoping I'll be able to find something, with better pay, that can work around my school schedule. Wish me luck! ^.^

Saturday, August 14, 2010


It so crazy how a person can get up in the morning and have no direction for their life. That's how I've been feeling lately. Like I'm not doing shit. I hate that. I need to get out and take everything the world has to offer me. If not I'm afraid I may disappear in to the darkness and no one will even notice I'm gone. I don't need everyone to know my name and I don't need to be rich, I just want to know that when I leave this world I'll be doing so having left a small mark and having fulfilled my dreams.

Thursday, July 1, 2010


Being an adult should really come with a warning sign. Maybe then kids wouldn't be going crazy trying to grow up before their time. I'm just saying...

Ania Sky Is Here To Stay

My name is Ania Sky. I am a proud 24yo mother of one trying to find my way and have a good time while I do it. The road has been hard but no ones going to keep me down. So watch out world, Ania Sky is here to stay! ;)